Thursday, December 8, 2011

Kapil Sibal is an idiot

Thousands of years ago, there was a plane of existence that maintained its own sovereignty. Now whether this was conscious maintenance or not is debatable, but nature’s rule over itself was the same as a creature’s rule over its own body- a limited, yet existent amount of control. The various components within this plane (this body) conflicted with each other as they enacted the processes of self-preservation and growth, but a good degree of stability lived strong thanks to the inability of any of the components to win and take control of the majority of the body. But then came along a component, a creature that perfected its ability to successfully conquer rival components. This allowed it to conquer a large portion of the entire plane. Unfortunately, this creature had only perfected the art of growth and conquest, but had left its capacity of self-preservation in a blind and brutish state. This creature’s almost stagnant stupidity in combination with all this new knowledge and power it had acquired through conquest led it to create dozens of layers of unnecessary boundaries and disagreements. This creature may have unconsciously understood the reasons for its blindness and began to create a new plane of existence. The internet stands to be this new, unconquered plane. But just as humans divided and quarrelled over the physical space that existed for living, they now try to do the same thing to the cyber space they have created for thinking. This cyber space seems to be a plane that we created unconsciously as a solution to our materialistic stupidity, but for it to achieve the definition of a ‘solution’ it must be used in a way that has nothing to do with the concept of control. It will only be a solution if it is a free space, collectively on ‘autopilot’, to be developed into a model for a harmonious and uncontrolled reality. A boundary brings about control, but control does not bring about harmony.

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